
Showing posts from 2012

Digging to China Picked up by Indie Publisher.

Three months ago I published my poetry book, Digging to China , on Amazon Kindle. I wish I had a nicer day to share this happy news on, but, I have just signed a contract with Sweatshoppe Publications to publish my poetry collection, Digging to China. The Kindle version will still be available, but the new book will have more poems in it. I'm excited to have this book almost in print and more easily available! Thanks for your time, Justin Is the book any good? Here's a review/interview. Follow me! Facebook (author page) Twitter Google Plus LinkedIn Pinterest Hubpages blog

I'm partnering with Angel Tree This holiday season

Greetings! This Christmas, I am choosing to give to those less fortunate than myself. I have decided to partner with Angel Tree  Ministries, a division of Prison Fellowship Ministries founded by the late Chuck Colson. Angel Tree provides Christmas gifts to the children of parents in prison. children, innocent victims of their parents bad choices, should not have to suffer and go without because of the choices of someone else. It is my goal to raise $50.32, which will provide gifts to eight children. But, to reach this goal, I need your help! I don't have a lot of cash. but, I do have a book. So, from now until Midnight December 24th, I'm selling a PDF of my book of poetry ( Digging to China ) for $3. Half of this purchase price will go directly to Angel Tree Ministries. As a gift to you, I will also be sending you my eleven page short story, Lime Green Buddha . It's just my small way of saying thanks for helping me to help these ki...

Confessions of a Poor Sport

Hello. My name is Justin and I'm a spoil sport. I gloat when I win and I whine when I lose. I hate this about myself. My wife hates it. My family hates it. No one will play games with me because of my attitude, which stinks, because I love games. But, the truth is, I'm not sure I can help being a poor sport. How did I get to be like this? I'm the oldest of four, but in many ways I don't feel like it. I was picked on mercilessly in grade school and middle school. My siblings were not.. I attempted to find an identity in sports but found I wasn't very good. I had a few big hits in baseball, but scored a total of four points in seven seasons of basketball. I played a season of football and got on the field for a total of seven plays. Meanwhile, my younger brothers had a modicum of success in sports. It seemed I had to work for everything and still came up short. I decided then to follow in my father's footsteps and turn to music. I tried the drums but it wa...

Jehovah Jireh

The Lord provides. Just one more way in which I know that God is real is that He provides, He performs the miraculous. The skeptic may say that what happened was a series of coincidences and/or the result of hard work, but, I don't believe that. The LORD chose to favor me,for whatever reason, and, like the Sparrow and the lilies of the field, I will not go without. Here's the story. My wife got laid off in April. We received unemployment, but, that expired in October and our extension has not been approved yet. I'm in school and work part time, but it's not enough to cover even our basic expenses. My wife supplements her unemployment income with a part time job while seeking full time work, which is extremely hard to come by. With unemployment, we made it, but it was close. When it expired, we wondered how we'd make our rent.  We were well short and we knew our small income wouldn't provide us opport...

Digging to China now available as a PDF

Three months ago I published my poetry book, Digging to China , on Amazon Kindle. I included it in the KDP select program which meant that I had five free days to give away the book (I didn't understand the point of giving anything away until recently) and gave away a total of 59 copies doing these. These are 59 folks who likely wouldn't have read my book otherwise. Now, the three months is up and so is my exclusive digital contract with Amazon. I'm happy to say I am now selling copies of Digging to China as a PDF for $1.75. It's still available for Amazon Kindle for $1.99. Simply email me and I'll send you an invoice for the book from Paypal. I'm also working to get the book printed, so, anything additional helps and will go towards that. I look forward to your thoughts on the book. Feel free to write a review and I'll link to it. Thanks for your time, Justin Is the book any good? Here's a review/interview. Follow me! Facebook  (au...

Why I'm voting for Shawn Lindsay... And other political ponderings

oregon State Rep Shawn Lndsay. Six years ago I renounced my membership to the republican party. I've always been too independent to conform to the wiles of any one party or candidate, but Oregon doesn't have an open primary so I had to choose a party, and republicans were more in line with my core beliefs. After eight years of Bush (the first four were good  the last four were terrible), I had to distance myself. Parties are occupied by people and people are imperfect. Therefore, all candidates and parties are imperfect. I registered as Libertarian and prepared for the cries of "wasted vote" and "If you don't vote for A that's essentially a vote for B". This is bull shit. Vote for the candidate you like the best, not the candidate with the best chance of winning. The electoral college essentially disenfranchises anyone who does not live in a  swing stat...

If You Say... The music of Bill Price (Video)

Another video I put together for my dad. This one contains many "aww" and "oh" pictures. They're all available on YouTube and I've also attached them all to one of my hubs . Enjoy!

Book Give Away Part Two

Now through Thursday 10/18 at 11:59 PM I am giving away my poetry collection, Digging to China , for free. It's available exclusively on Amazon Kindle. If you don't have a Kindle, you can purchase one here or simply download one to your PC or Mac . I want to get this book in the hands of as many folks as possible so please take advantage of this opportunity as I don't know when I'll be able to do so again. If you like the book, please take a few minutes to like it on Amazon and maybe write a review of it on Amazon and any blogs you might have. I'd be more than happy to share the link with my readers. Thanks for reading and enjoy the book! Click here for your free copy. Check out my latest work on Hubpages.

You Gotta Choose (Video)

Another in a series of videos created for my dad. Enjoy! If you'd like to get ahold of his music, e mail me .  Thanks!

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Greetings! I haven't blogged in over a week. I deeply regret this, but, I have my reasons. I started school again last week, which puts me out of the house every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am until 9 pm. Most of my spare time is spent doing homework (BTW... I have a cubby hole at school. Isn't that weird? A college student with a cubby hole? Ha!). On top of this, my wife and I have gone full bore into a writing and editing business, Big Dipper Editing. We offer writing, editing and critiquing services. We specialize in term papers and corporate blogs. I already own the domain and have been editing, ghost writing and freelance writing for about a year but, now, it's a true partnership and we have been steadily gaining clients. We're working on a website to build our web presence. I currently have a few steady clients whom I ghost write and review for.  It's exciting and reminds me of when I started my tutoring business. I'm a dr...

My Book... for Free!

In celebration of my impending series of literary magazine publications and my 10,000 lifetime blog views (as of Tuesday, September 18th) , from 9 am until 11:59 PM PST today, September 20, 2012, you can get a free copy of my poetry collection, Digging to China. The book is for Kindle. You can download a Kindle app for your PC or MAC if you don't have the handheld version (or even if you do, I suppose). There is no catch... I just want to thank you for your support. I hope you enjoy the book. Let me know how you like it. CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE BOOK. Justin Sign up for updates in your e mail inbox.

You're Going to Be Seeing A Lot More Of Me...

Ducks win, Seahawks win and I get multiple acceptance notices. It's been quite a week! This month. After a series of months with nothing but rejections, I have recently received a plethora of acceptance letters, including THREE new markets, one previously unpublished story and TWO previously unpublished poems. While none of these are paying markets, they are widely read, up and coming markets and I hope to build off some of the momentum I've gained recently, due in no small part to awesome reviews of my books by Kim Kruise Thompson and Stessily . Having my by-line in a bunch of new places can only help. Here's more specifics (sorry for all the links): Flailing Empty Capillaries will be published in the October issue of eFiction Magazine , which will be released October 1st for NOOK , Kindle  and through the eFiction store . The poem has been published in my book and on my hubpages account. eFiction has previously published...

What happened to Audra Leigh Fisher?

T his is my first blog featuring a guest blogger. I've been wanting to do this for awhile, figuring that my fans were tired o f hearing me ramble on and on and on. The subject of this blog is poet/photographer Audra Leigh Fisher. She hails from Fairport New York, located nine miles east of Rochester. Also known as "The Crown of the Erie Canal", the village has a population of just over 5300. She's lived in this town most of her life but claims to be "T he opposite of Fairport but [I] fit in on the beach at Durand on Lake Ontario. I just live and breath[e] here. [My boyfriend] Micah and my family are here. And what is familiar and safe I guess. I reflect on inanimate objects and wild life more than people...less conflict." When I learned several weeks ago that my HUBPAGES colleague, Audra Leigh Fisher, was leaving the site, I wanted to know why. I asked Audra to share her story in her own words. I hope you'll find it interesting and I hope th...

Don't bother us. Visit our forums and FAQ's...

Customer service is the number one thing I consider when determining whether or not a company will get repeat business from me. I don't have a lot of money, I have even less time, and I generally don't like crowds, shopping or running errands. If I am going to endure those things, I better damn well get treated like my business means something to you. Many of you have read my Hub Five-er Up about a poor experience I had a gas station that I will not return too because the ownership put the needs of the employee ahead of mine. While it's nice to see an employer stick up for his employee, it's also reprehensible. What happened to the days where the customer was always right? I will no longer dine at certain restaurants because ONE employee made the experience unbearable. Its true. One bad apple DOES spoil the whole bunch. Take note, business owners. And that's why this trend for websites to use forums and FAQ's instead of making employees available live, or...

Bye Bye Wizzley

After six months, nine articles and one Editors' Choice Award, I've decided to leave Wizzley. Unlike Triond (which refuses to publish anything I send them, yet still sends me monthly earnings statements of $0.00 every month and still invites me to publish) and Redgage (which, for the life of me, never lets me log in), I leave Wizzley on good terms. It's simple economics. I'm not getting enough traffic there to justify the time I spend writing the articles there. It's an amicable split. We still have deep affection for one another... we're just not right for each other and want to see other people. It's not them, it's me. Over the next month, I'll be deleting and de-indexing all my articles there and placing them on my Hubpages account, where I get plenty of traffic and have loyal readers. Be looking for those. It makes more sense to consolidate my writing into one location (two if you count this blog). I wrote great articles at Wizzley, but no on...

Hope of the Hopeless (video!)

Below is the third video I've made for my dad. My dad, Bill Price is a musician and, as a child, we'd spend every summer on the road, gallivanting around the country. We'd visit different youth camps, churches, the occasional arena, etc. I got to know this country at a young age.  Having a summer birthday, I was rarely home for my actual birthday, and usually had a party around the start of the school year. I spent several birthdays sat Disneyland, one in Ohio, a couple on the eastern seaboard. It was a great way to grow up. A summer long summer camp. Riding in the car for eighteen hours a day was no big deal to me; still isn't. The sounds of the road became my lullaby. The clop clop of changing lanes, the whoosh of passing cars, the wind blowing through cracked open windows; these lulled me to sleep, often in positions that, as an adult, I would find excruciating. The summer my mother was pregnant with my sister, we drove from P...

The Successful Indie Writer?

It's odd. I have a hard time writing consistently, yet, I love to write. It's my main hobby. Yet, it can sometimes feel like a chore. Sometimes I feel like what I write, no one will want to read and then I'm just writing hoping someone will like what I have to say, glomb (sp?) onto it, and maybe share it so I can reach some viewers and make a little scratch. I'm in a weird place. I've just released a book of poetry , a magazine , a mailing list and author page on facebook, and yet, I feel I haven't accomplished anything because they are wildly unpopular. It's not because they're bad products-- in fact, they are quite good-- it's just that I don't know how to drive traffic to myself and sell my products to folks without sounding like either an ego maniac or a spammer, or both. My hubpages account gets several hundred views a day, and I'm proud of that, but even a hundred or so views doesn't pay the bills. It doesn't keep the...

Flailing Empty Capillaries (Post 100!)

Here's another poem from my book, Digging to China . I've attempting to cross promote it by doing some video trailers and readings. Here's another, of the poem Flailing Empty Capillaries , set to Mozart's magnificent Piano Concerto #21. I've purposely used a slow piece and slow moving screen shots to force the reader to slow down and consume the poem. It's a fun experiment and I hope you find it pleasing. Below is the text of the poem (slightly different from the video version). Enjoy the video! Don't have a Kindle? That's okay! Email me and I'll tell you how you can get a copy! Flailing Empty Capillaries by Justin W. Price You were there from birth, passed down from father to son, waltzing through my veins. My muse. We embraced, perfectly on pitch, a song, and then I found another and I left you. I see you tattooed on my wrists. Thick black lines, a G and an F. My former muse, permanent over my ...

Another Video

I've just posted another video for my dad. This one isn't as fancy, but still fun. Plenty more coming. Thanks for all who enjoyed and commented on the first one. Doing this videos for my dad not only blesses him, they bring back memories of a fantastic childhood for me. Thanks for taking the time to view and watch these! As always, it's on youtube as well. Thanks again and I look forward to your feedback on video number two!

A reading from my ebook

Image Hot Pink Lipstick It was the first dead body I’d seen, waxy soulless. Hot pink lipstick: I laughed at the choice. Painted cheeks, rosy a doll. Hands that had held mine stroked my hair, prepared my dinner, now stiff, folded angelic, no longer capable of love or embrace. My grandmother in a box lined with silk, optimum comfort for the dead, lips closed, unsmiling blue eyes hiding behind shaded lids. Red hair dyed the day of her death, her final living act, unknown Buy here: Sign up for my mailing list! Sharing is caring! Pass this on! Thanks for your time!

My first movie

Okay, the title is a little deceiving. What this is is a video I put together of one of my dad's songs. He's a musician, he's made four albums and done plenty of tours. He teaches music and still performs on occasion.  He wants to put some of his songs on youtube, and I've been tasked with putting them together. I've never made a movie before, but I think this is decent. I wanted to get some feedback here for it, though it is already up on youtube. Thanks! if the video doesn't work, click here .

Get a free copy of my book!

Image On facebook right now through September 1st 2012, I am running a contest to get a free PDF version of my book of poetry, Digging to China . it's also available on kindle as soon as a chapbook. head on over to my facebook page and follow the instructions there to learn how to be eligible to get your free copy. My author facebook page . Digging to China on Kindle . Also, if you haven't yet, sign up for my mailing list to keep informed on the latest developments with my books and other aspects of my writing career (including my latest blog, wizzley and hubpages posts).  Thanks for your time, Justin.

An 80's Wedding

One year ago today, Andrea Larson and I loaded up her Subaru Forester , two dogs and clothes. Mine were recently ironed and hung neatly on a hanger. Hers were hidden, in one of those fancy dry cleaning bags. I was to be surprised at its contents. Our little family piled in and made the trek from Hillsboro, Oregon to the Mt. Tabor neighborhood in Portland; about fifteen miles away.  The day was a scorcher, no clouds would survive the heat, and the day would change our lives. Our friends Dan and Nicole had offered us their house and backyard for the days events and when we arrived at their home, it was neatly decorated. There was a mini chalk board with our names written along with the date, August 20 th , 2011 in the back yard, next to a card table. The trees had little penguins (my favorite animal) in them and the back yard had folding chairs. I pitied those that had to sit in those chairs but was rather happy that we wouldn’t be outside long.  This wouldn’t take long. ...

Class Envy is Pointless

My wife and I were talking yesterday and I told her that the cast of one of our favorite television shows, Modern Family , made $1 million per episode. I was wrong. They only make $350K. I had an epiphany. My wife said "that's way too much money". One the surface, it seems to be, but, I wondered: who am I to say how much someone else's skill set is worth? Sure, it seems easy to be a film and television actor-- especially when one is on a show as successful as Modern Family . But is it? Actors work long days, they give up the anonymity most of us enjoy. How would you like going out to dinner and not being able to speak with your wife or husband because a fan keeps coming up to you with a pen, pad and camera asking for just a second of your time? How would you like going to the park or the beach with your family and having to chase off photographers? Yes, that's the price they pay for fame and that's why many of them have such extravagant homes... they spend...