A reading from my ebook

Hot Pink Lipstick

It was the first dead body I’d seen,
Hot pink lipstick:
I laughed at the choice.
Painted cheeks, rosy
a doll.
Hands that had held mine
stroked my hair,
prepared my dinner,
now stiff,
angelic, no longer capable
of love or embrace.
My grandmother
in a box lined with silk,
optimum comfort for the dead,
lips closed, unsmiling
blue eyes hiding behind shaded lids.
Red hair dyed the day of her death,
her final living act, unknown

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  1. Great reading Justin...I like this video ..such a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing!
    PS I love your book!

  2. As someone who had bought and read this collection, I am not sure what I should say about this particular poem. I was first drawn to the poem by the title; then I was knocked off my balance, because it was not what I expected. Chills...run down my spine. Not because this is something gruesome, but it is a mixture of love and beauty and death. The cycle of life and our experiences and prospective on it truly shape our lives. It forms opinions and makes us who we are through the very visions that pass through our eyes.

    I am blinking...because I am aware...or at least I thought I was. I am still here, and I do not plan on wearing Hot Pink Lipstick-at least not any time soon! Wonderful reading Justin! You made your words of death, come to life! What a beautiful memorial of your grandmother.


    1. I appreciate your words, JS and I appreciate your patronage!


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