Hope of the Hopeless (video!)
Below is the third video I've made for my dad. My dad, Bill Price is a musician and, as a child, we'd spend every summer on the road, gallivanting around the country. We'd visit different youth camps, churches, the occasional arena, etc. I got to know this country at a young age. Having a summer birthday, I was rarely home for my actual birthday, and usually had a party around the start of the school year. I spent several birthdays sat Disneyland, one in Ohio, a couple on the eastern seaboard. It was a great way to grow up. A summer long summer camp. Riding in the car for eighteen hours a day was no big deal to me; still isn't. The sounds of the road became my lullaby. The clop clop of changing lanes, the whoosh of passing cars, the wind blowing through cracked open windows; these lulled me to sleep, often in positions that, as an adult, I would find excruciating. The summer my mother was pregnant with my sister, we drove from P...