
Showing posts from April 15, 2012

24 Poetry Posting #2: Prunes

This poem is still being written, so I'm looking for real critiques here. I'm just not sure it's done. I may leave it up a little longer than normal allow more time for contemplation. As always, all comments will remain live. Thank you all for posting comments and taking time to read!

Legitimate Paid Online surveys/tasks/e mails

I’ve used this space to talk about this before, but I want to do so again. I’ve been supplementing my income for years by participating in online surveys, focus groups, paid tasks/trial offers, and paid emails/videos.  I generally do most of these tasks while watching television or doing other tasks so they really don’t take any extra time and I’ll see anywhere from $25- 200 in a given month. I thought I’d share some links with you here. I will not go into much detail, but I can vouch for them all. I would advise you to sign up for all of them, read the tutorials, try them out, and then decide which ones work best for you. I am an active member of well over twenty sites and it’s very manageable, though I do advise you open a separate e mail account so your personal and/or work one doesn’t get flooded. All links below are personalized referral links, unless otherwise stated. Please e mail me where specified, as some sites only have referral links available via e mail. Al...

24 Hour Poem Posting #1: Getting Gas in Barstow, California

Thanks to Audra Leigh Fisher for helping me workshop this. The poem will be up for 24 hours, though I will be retaining the post and your comments, so feel feel to comment and critique. This poem is currently going through the submission process. It will be removed from this space at 9:10 am Thursday, Feb 19th. Thank you all for reading and commenting. I hope you enjoyed this first installment and I hope you enjoy the future ones. I appreciate your input! You may see another draft of this version at some point, here or on hubpages.

Monday Morning, April 16th, 2012

Greetings my friends, I trust that you all paid, filed, or evaded your taxes yesterday. I'm thankful for all my new followers. My latest hub, Bricks , was very misunderstood. I am not leaving Hubpages, I am merely changing my direction. The reasons for this are two fold. 1. I do not want to have anything I have a personal, emotional attachment to to be stolen. If I'm pouring my heart and soul into something, I don't want some no talent hack stealing from it and profiting from it. Hubpages is now a big enough site that it's a target for thieves and as such, I will mostly be publishing works like my music hubs, my TV show hubs, advice and recipes. I will not be removing any hubs, but I will likely not be publishing any first time poems or short stories to my hub anymore. However, if they have been published elsewhere or soundly rejected tons of times, then it will go up. It'll just be less frequent. Which brings me to point number two, and then my announcement...