
Showing posts from December 13, 2020

The dark truth about Jonah (Part One)

  Because there is so much to unpack with Jonah, I'm going to do this in three parts.  Nearly everyone has heard the story of Jonah and the whale. In fact, I would argue that it's one of the most popular stories in the biblical canon, both in and out of the church. The story of Jonah is one of those that many scholars wonder reflects a literal account or a piece used to teach a lesson. Understanding Hebrew and Torah culture, many stories were revered for the veracity of the lesson taught, over the veracity of what actually happened. In the case of Jonah, whether it's a literal story or an allegory, the lessons in it are profound, convicting and even disturbing.  In many ways, I feel like Jonah-- maybe you do too. As we dive into the text, maybe ask yourself how much like Jonah you are and what you can do to work on yourself. The fact that the story ends with God chastising Jonah is unsettling, but, in many ways, stories like this prove the veracity of the Bible. By painti...