Living Simply or Simply Living.
I hate waste. In a land of plenty when so much of the world is lacking, I simply cannot tolerate any resources being wasted. I will eat slightly moldy bread or cheese instead of throwing it out. I always turn off lights when I leave the room, I only drive when necessary, I try to remember not to leave the tap running when I brush my teeth. My wife and I lately are realizing that we’re in our thirties and staying healthy6 is very important. We’ve been eating way less processed foods and buying organic fruits and vegetables and free range meats. We make as much of our own stuff as we can, form salad dressing to gifts. It’s a fun way to be creative and it’s a way not to spend or waste money. We considered cutting off television, but, unfortunately, some bonehead didn’t read the paperwork before he signed it and found himself locked into a contract. It would be wasteful to pay a termination fee, which, of course is how they set it up. Since our apartment has a gym and a pool, we cancel...