Jehovah Jireh
The Lord provides. Just one more way in which I know that God is real is that He provides, He performs the miraculous. The skeptic may say that what happened was a series of coincidences and/or the result of hard work, but, I don't believe that. The LORD chose to favor me,for whatever reason, and, like the Sparrow and the lilies of the field, I will not go without. Here's the story. My wife got laid off in April. We received unemployment, but, that expired in October and our extension has not been approved yet. I'm in school and work part time, but it's not enough to cover even our basic expenses. My wife supplements her unemployment income with a part time job while seeking full time work, which is extremely hard to come by. With unemployment, we made it, but it was close. When it expired, we wondered how we'd make our rent. We were well short and we knew our small income wouldn't provide us opport...