A Night in the ER
Last night I was in the ER until 4 am with breathing troubles. It wasn't very severe, but it didn't seem to get better as it usuall does and my wife was worried so we went in. I was given Albuterol, which didn't help and a chest X ray and EKG, both of which were normal. I kind of wish they'd found something because then the problem could be solved, or at least explored, but I'm glad they didn't find any problems with my heart. The breathing troubles come and go and it may be what's called "Exercise Induced Asthma", since the symptoms worsen with physical exertion. I'm meeting with my GP on Wednesday, and she will perhaps run more tests. I intend to write more in depth about this over the next day or two and publish it on my hubpage . The staff, from the admins to the nurses to the doctor, were all terrific and it was a very good experience. I'm not one to go to the doctor so it was kind of interesting for me to see a hospital that wasn...