The Successful Indie Writer?
It's odd.
I have a hard time writing consistently, yet, I love to write. It's my main hobby. Yet, it can sometimes feel like a chore. Sometimes I feel like what I write, no one will want to read and then I'm just writing hoping someone will like what I have to say, glomb (sp?) onto it, and maybe share it so I can reach some viewers and make a little scratch.
I'm in a weird place. I've just released a book of poetry, a magazine, a mailing list and author page on facebook, and yet, I feel I haven't accomplished anything because they are wildly unpopular. It's not because they're bad products-- in fact, they are quite good-- it's just that I don't know how to drive traffic to myself and sell my products to folks without sounding like either an ego maniac or a spammer, or both.
My hubpages account gets several hundred views a day, and I'm proud of that, but even a hundred or so views doesn't pay the bills. It doesn't keep the lights on and or put food on the table. I need thousands. millions, not hundreds.
I used a $100 voucher from Google Ad Words to drive traffic, and it seems to have worked on a small scale, but nothing consistent.. There's a billion or so new products out there vying for attention and it's so easy to get lost in the mix. I can't make a living waiting for my friends and family to buy a book or visit my blog. I need to go viral.
So, I'm at a loss. I'm not a marketer, but in today's world of self publishing you have to be. I'm not a consistent writer and I have waaaay too many hats, and they are all too small and ill fitting and I love them all.
I can't be the only one who's been here. It's a weird place. I see the light at the end of it all. I feel like success is just around the corner.
I appreciate everyone who reads my blogs, and my hubs, who buy my books and take the time to comment. I don't want to sound like a whiner, I'm just confused on what to do. I know other writers find themselves in the same boat. I know I'm not alone. I'm a great writer with a lot to say and a lot of charm. In my head, I should be able to sell a billion copies of whatever I touch.
But that's not reality.
The reality is, the life of a writer, like all artists is a struggle. For every Stephen King there's 1000 Justin W Price's. Do I accept it and just keep struggling, or do I do whatever I can to succeed... and what does success mean?
We can't all be Stephen King... and that's okay...
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