Bye Bye Wizzley

After six months, nine articles and one Editors' Choice Award, I've decided to leave Wizzley. Unlike Triond (which refuses to publish anything I send them, yet still sends me monthly earnings statements of $0.00 every month and still invites me to publish) and Redgage (which, for the life of me, never lets me log in), I leave Wizzley on good terms. It's simple economics. I'm not getting enough traffic there to justify the time I spend writing the articles there.

It's an amicable split. We still have deep affection for one another... we're just not right for each other and want to see other people. It's not them, it's me.

Over the next month, I'll be deleting and de-indexing all my articles there and placing them on my Hubpages account, where I get plenty of traffic and have loyal readers. Be looking for those. It makes more sense to consolidate my writing into one location (two if you count this blog). I wrote great articles at Wizzley, but no one read them. I want people to read them and and they will get more eyeballs at Hubpages.

I believe Wizzley is a good platform to write on, if you can drive the traffic. The lay out is easy to use and nice to look at. But, the site is still in it's infancy and, as such, you have to go viral to have a hope of making a living. Organic traffic is non existent, at least for the kinds of articles I choose to write.

So, for those who read my articles on Wizzley, thank you very much, For those who didn't (which is most of you) I look forward to sharing them with you on Hubpages.

Thanks for reading,


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