Josh Powell is In Hell

Josh Powell. source:

Anyone who knows me and/or follows my writing both and on my hubpage account, knows that I was reared in a very Christian home and am now, in my thirties struggling with many common and widely held beliefs that the modern Christian church teaches. The most alarming of these is the concept of hell. I question how a loving God, a Creator who refers to Himself as “Love” would create creatures that would end up in a placed of eternal anguish called “hell”.

Thankfully, because of Josh Powell, I’m clinging to the idea of hell—and of heaven—and some sort of comfort.

Josh Powell was a person of interest in his wife Susan's 2009 disappearance. She is most likely dead and he is almost positively the reason for it. Killing your wife is bad, killing your children is worse and incomprehensible even to me, a lifelong non-parent.

Last week, Josh Powell lost custody of his two boys and they were sent to live with their grandparents, the parents of their dead mother. However, in the brilliance of our judicial system, he was still allowed visitation.  On Super Bowl Sunday, his boys—who, sources say, didn’t want to go visit there dad—were dropped off at his home by a social worker. He then proceeded to attempt to kill them with a hatchet before blowing them, himself and his house up.

He couldn’t have his boys, so no one else could.

Not only is the idea of hacking your child to death incomprehensible, he also didn’t leave any kind of notification about where he left his wife’s body. He killed his wife and then left the grandparents in perpetual limbo about her fate and without their two adored grandbabies.

Believing that there is a hell—whether it’s eternal or temporal—for selfish, cruel and evil people like Josh Powell makes this situation bearable. The idea that when he died he simply ceased to exist or, worse yet, entered into an eternal state of bliss, makes me very angry and, if that’s true, then let me be ignorant. The idea of him suffering and reliving his sins over and over again for an unending amount of time makes me feel some sense of justice in this world.

More than that, believing that his boys went from a place of pain and fear to a place of eternal pleasure and peace—and into the arms of their mother—gives me some measure of comfort. Again, if this is not true, I’d prefer not to know.

So, thank you Josh Powell. You’ve made a believer out of me.


  1. I love this you've made some excellent points. This so called "father" is a disgrace to the word anyone who feels that evil does not exist is a fool. Those poor babies were witnesses the night of their mother's disappearance, and on the day of their death to real, raw pure evil.

  2. Thanks for your comment, p[Pamela. I take no joy in the probability that he's in hell, but I also believe he made his own bed and took the coward's way out...

  3. Sadly, it takes a horrendous situation like this one to open our eyes wider to the penalty sin deserves. All spectrum of sin is offensive to a holy and sovereign God. No doubt, if anyone will judge sin righteously and justly, it's God. We tend to 'point the finger' at someone else's worse sin in comparison to our 'not nearly as bad sins' but want them to pay the penalty . I've been thinking about this a lot FDXJPrice. Josh Powell killed himself and his kids, and he SHOULD suffer for ending innocent lives. What are your thoughts on a 'just penalty'for willingly ending innocent life/soul by abortion? We should all be grateful final judgement is not up to us, but to our loving God who's extended a way to totally avoid one minute in hell.

  4. I wish to add-- Josh Powell must have suffered greatly by demons to finally end his own life. Demons can take over your mind and body and make a person do some very awful things.

    my faith based blog is

  5. UPforGrabs thanks for your comment I'll be following your blog. I appreciate your empathy towards Powell and his personal demons. very interesting take.

    I am 100 percent against abortion, but, I'm not sure who's more guilty of the crime: the girl who is not a trained in medicine or the doctor, who is conscious of his taking of a human life?

    Thanks for reading and commenting!

  6. Thank you for commenting. When it comes down to it, we're all guilty of failing. Period. That's why mercy abounds. That's why I can't understand how anyone CAN NOT believe in the goodness of God or accept the 'free gift' God extends to sinners, liberating us from the final judgement of sin. I think it must be pure pride. I appreciate YOU and your writing. God help us all every day is my prayer.

  7. UPfrogranbs, thanks so much for your comments, perspective and readership. I appreciate it very much!


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