Monday Morning, April 16th, 2012

Greetings my friends,

I trust that you all paid, filed, or evaded your taxes yesterday. I'm thankful for all my new followers.

My latest hub, Bricks, was very misunderstood. I am not leaving Hubpages, I am merely changing my direction. The reasons for this are two fold.

1. I do not want to have anything I have a personal, emotional attachment to to be stolen. If I'm pouring my heart and soul into something, I don't want some no talent hack stealing from it and profiting from it. Hubpages is now a big enough site that it's a target for thieves and as such, I will mostly be publishing works like my music hubs, my TV show hubs, advice and recipes. I will not be removing any hubs, but I will likely not be publishing any first time poems or short stories to my hub anymore. However, if they have been published elsewhere or soundly rejected tons of times, then it will go up. It'll just be less frequent.

Which brings me to point number two, and then my announcement.

2. Most literary magazines, publishing houses, agents and editors aren't interested in previously published material. Most want first time publication rights, which usually last for the duration of the magazine's current issue (I'm not sure how long for books) before reverting back to the author, who can then do with his work what he or she pleases. I'm not interested in making pennies off publishing my poems on Hubpages, I'm interested in making writing a viable career, as such, Hubpages is no longer the right forum for me to present my poetry, though it is ideal for many of the other types of articles I write. It's a tremendous site and it's been a pleasure writing for them. I'm not going anywhere!!!!!

I'm pleased with and thankful for all the loyal readers I have and I know my poems are a big reason I have them.

So, now, the announcement...

Since many of you were not happy that my poetry would not be readily available to you, I have decided that my blog, periodically, will publish a poem and leave it up for exactly 24 hours, and then be taken down. It may be a brand new poem, it may be something you've read before. It will probably depend on what suits my fancy. This allows you to continue to read my work and allows me to show it to you, but not affect my standing with a publisher.

Please make sure you're following this blog and have subscribed by e mail so that you do not miss out!

I appreciate your loyal readership!

yours truly,



  1. I am glad you took a stance and found a place to have your beautiful poetry seen! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Audra. It seemed like a good way to keep folks in the loop and still be able to publish

  2. What a great idea to allow your friends and fellow poets to read your creative writing without affecting your ability to publish your work! I think all the creative writers on HP should do this.

    1. Thanks Flora. I was reading that a lot of "professional" authors do this, so, I thought it was worth a try :-)


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