I need a buddy

friends, readers, random Google searchers:

I need a buddy. Specifically, I need a writing buddy. What is a writing buddy? A writing buddy is a mutually beneficial writing relationship where I share my work with you, you offer me a very honest and complete critique (please, no coddling.) and feedback. Then, I return the favor for you.

In essence, it's a writing workshop.

In order to achieve success in the publishing world and writing world, constant and honest feedback is necessary.  So, if you think you can commit to 30-60 minutes a week of reading and following feedback on a consistent basis, and would like the same returned to you, get in touch with me.

To our mutual success,



  1. I am sharing this on my timeline on FB to try and and find you someone. I would love to be that person, but with the vents in my life right now, I do not know that I can commit to the time every week. So instead I am going to try and help find you someone.

  2. Thank you so much Flora! I appreciate your help very much!


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