FREE! Signed Copies of Digging to China!

Greetings friends and neighbors, My official book launch party was on Saturday, February 2nd, 2013 at St. John's Booksellers in the St. Johns neighborhood or North Portland. The night was a blast, with Craig Hart, editor-in-chief of the fine literary magazine The Rusty Nail and founder of Sweatshoppe Publications, MC'ing the event. Many of my friends and family volunteered to perform and we had a variety of poets and musicians sharing their talents in celebration of my book's official release. I'm thankful to each and everyone of them, and to all who attended and purchased the book. The book is now available on both Barnes and Noble and , as well at St Johns Booksellers, for $10.99 (plus shipping, where applicable). I am offering signed copies of this book for $10 plus shipping to anyone who follows my author page on Facebook and buys the book directly through my Sweatshoppe page . So, if you're not following my author page on Facebook, click thi...